Wednesday, March 12, 2008

New Concept Art-Project 1

Just a selection of concept scribble I've been working on- Just Basic Setting ideas (nothing concrete), and some style changes to the two main chracters Norton and Sedrick.

Thanks to Paul Dini's/Chip Kidd's "Batman: Animated" book, I made some slight changes to the look of mainly Norton. Actually, it came from the fact that I had trouble reporducing the design I gave norton initially, and I was worried it looked too much like "The Lion King" whn in actual fact, I didnt want my characters looking like those characters.

With a few adjustments, I got something that I can at least be happy drawing until I begin to further simplify before animating time.

Norton's look is inspired by Bruce Timm's first rendition of the Joker for th Batman Animated series- mainly it's the eyes, with a hair line I borrowed from John Romita Jr's "Punisher WarZone" comic. Im doing my best to give him a few emotions here without busting up the lion facial structure, but trying to make it more human-looking for all intensiver purposes (I just couldnt draw the other style in different angles without producing weird rsults- probably 'casue I couldnt draw it period :P)

Sedrick is a little harder because , well, he looks like a horse... so I have to do some further study and play around to get his face working.

Anyways, here they come, more to come (maybe...I pitch the idea could very well tank) , stay tuned.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Hey Paul,
I like the character design, I especially like Norton!

re your post I'm more than happy to help with voices, I haven't had much experience with accents but I'll give it a go.